Our Committees
Worship and Music
The Worship and Music Committee sees that worship is conducted in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA. Communion is served at the weekly 9:00 AM service.
The committee recruits and trains ushers and worship assistants and oversees the music program. Special events and services are periodically planned and promoted throughout the year.
We pray that worshipers at Christ Lutheran's services of Word and Sacrament are blessed by the Spirit of God's presence and are encouraged in the living of their Christian faith.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altar for church services throughout the year, and for the care of the chancel, paraments, candles, linens, and flower vases. Through this work, the men and women of the Altar Guild help to facilitate worship and the administration of the Sacraments.
In addition, the Altar Guild orders altar flowers and special occasion plants, arranges for flower sponsorship and delivers flowers and plants to ill and homebound members.